Friday, March 18, 2011

Worcester Bosch 28ireset Button

- 5 (forse!)

- 5 exams. If all goes well. It all depends on whether one written a month ago and the result will be communicated only between another month yet! But if all goes well, I'm only 5. One of which is only a 'formality is appropriate and another decided on a personal written especially for me by prof. English Literature.
It 's like to collect all the fruits at once, after years of intense study and passionate. Monday during the 'examination, I realized for the first time to be late. I realized that the worst is over and that the 'university and the study that I hated / loved sooner or later end up really forever.
And for the first time I heard a kind of nostalgia through the skin.
I want to finish early, but I also want some things related to these years, never end.


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