Sunday, July 13, 2008

Forums About Prolyxsis

sweet feeling

've always thought of marriage as a mere formality, because basically you do not need a ceremony sealed with signatures in order to live together with the person who love, in order to build a family ... then comes July 12, and you begin to rehearse in front of the mirror to get the perfect marriage of your cousin. That cousin with whom you've never had a great relationship, you always feel left out. But even when you were invited, did you feel a great emotion at the thought that we were approaching to take this step so important. Then is the first marriage, which take part, and this adds to the 'exaltation.
ever set foot in church and feel the heart that already begins to gallop to the sound of the wedding march: she descends from that turquoise beetle with white clouds painted (just to remember that it is a fabulous day) is delightful, and the 'simple dress and finish worthy of the wearer. Nela chapel on the right girl, her friend, who accompanied by a piano, it emanates an angelic voice. The chapel on the left, an 'other friend who, surprisingly, with tears in his eyes for the' emotion, can not hold the item and echoes the "singer" official. Since then S. will look at each hand, asking with a simple glance to be heard.
You can not help but watch every move, and you have the 'impression that Don, who' s seen her grow, both excited. How could it not be?
And you ... you looked down because tears of emotion you moisten your eyes. That lead to tears discovered that those feelings, instinctively, you tend to hide. Maybe because you think it needs to be understood as a sensibility marked out of the ordinary, that not everyone has. And you have the confirmation when you ask "Why all this excitement?".
Why? Why
's love, even if not experienced first hand, excites. It is something so big and overwhelming that it can not pass under your eyes without going into the stomach, where it triggers a wonderful hell.
On July 12, you saw the triumph of 'love. It may seem trivial, but trivially so beautiful and touching, is a sweet feeling.
is life.


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