Thursday, April 17, 2008

Best Hand Lotion For Nurses


"We are all thirsty 's love is the first need of our nature, the first prayer of our hearts. But we dare not express our desires, we are too timid. I'm going in search of' love, and I find inexhaustible supplies in the hearts of others. But when I try to ask for me, that's suffocating me this awful shyness. I miss the word. Or worse, I say nonsense, lies, absurd. L 'affection with which you are thirsty, I see efforts dogs, cats, birds: because they only know to ask. He needs to ask: how is a ghost who can not speak unless first addressed to him you have the floor. All the 'love that c' is in the world yearns to speak , but not dare because it is so, so, so! That's the tragedy of the world! "

Candida - George Bernard Shaw


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